Welcome ~ CS 201 Computer Programming for Non-CS Majors

Class starts on Sept 21, 2022 and ends on Dec 9, 2022.

Masks are optional for on-campus students.

However, the instructor will need you to wear a mask when working closely with you.

This hands-on course will cover a variety of fundamental topics in computer programming relevant to anyone who wants to write or work with computer code in their work or studies. You'll learn basic computational thinking and programming skills which will allow you to solve a variety of real-world problems. You will also learn more advanced topics such as how some basic algorithms work and can be written in computer code. You'll use technologies which build your confidence in the workplace.

You'll use an external set of resources to guide your learning and deliver assignments within Canvas. You'll check our feedback each week to help you improve skills for the next week.

On-campus students (sec 001) will attend class twice-weekly to get an overview of the assignments, view the demonstrations, ask a lot of questions, and discuss issues. I look forward to meeting all of you!

  1. This course is designed for students in all majors but will have a science focus.
  2. Computer Science majors should confer with their Advisor about taking the ENGR 100, 102, 103 sequence because this CS 201 course is not part of your program.
  3. This textbook will undergo changes before the first day of class and later in the term to ensure accuracy. Be sure to refresh each chapter page before you start working each session.
  4. This course requires high-speed broadband internet to access all lessons, media, and software. Drop this course if you anticipate having inefficient internet service during the term.
  5. Tablet computers will be inadequate for most assignments.
  6. If you took this course before, check in with the Instructor via the Canvas Inbox on day 1. None of the assignments will match previous sections of the course.

Report bugs in the Bug Bounty discussion.

Because methods, materials, and news changes frequently, there might be bugs, typos, and broken links in this textbook that cause confusion. Earn a point of extra credit for reporting each problem using the Canvas course's Bug Bounty discussion. Include the URL and step numbers in your report to speed up the corrections and learn of the solutions.

Use the Service Desk if you have computer, ONID, or Canvas problems.

But first:

Assess your prerequisite skills.

Download and print the Prerequisite Skills Checklist below, so you can check off each item if you know it and ask for help if you don't. Look for related tutorials in the Canvas Discussion: Prerequisite Skills Help.