Name __________________________

Prerequisite Skills Checklist

Ask for help with any of these skills via the Canvas Group Discussion.


I know how to...

  1. Use Duo for logging into my OSU accounts.
  2. Login and update my ONID account.
  3. Login to the new My OSU Dashboard.
  4. Login to my OSU Gmail.
  5. Login to my OSU Canvas.


I know how to...

  1. Restart my computer to improve performance.
  2. Adjust the volume up and down.
  3. Adjust the screen brightness.
  4. Adjust the speed of my trackpad or mouse.

Operating System

I know how to...

  1. Connect to the internet.
  2. Make software updates.
  3. Install and open an application/program.
  4. Install and manage virus software. If not, contact the OSU Service Desk.
  5. Download an Acrobat (.pdf) file, or picture file.

Hard Drive Management

I know how to...

  1. Make a new file in an application.
  2. Move or Copy a file from one folder/directory to another.
  3. Move files from the Downloads folder to the Documents folder.
  4. Search for a file.
  5. Rename a file.
  6. Make an .zip archive file.
  7. Open multiple File Explorer or Finder windows and place them side by side.
  8. Locate my Operating System name and version number, which is: ___________


I know how to...

  1. Install and use Chrome to ensure the textbook components are legible as intended.
  2. Use CtlF or F to locate keywords on a web page.
  3. Bookmark a favorite webpage.


I know how to...

  1. Update my Profile to notify me of Assignment Comments.
  2. Find the Syllabus.
  3. Open and close Modules.
  4. Upload/submit an Assignment file.
  5. Find and reply to specific topics in the Discussion area.
  6. Review the Rubric feedback.
  7. Respond to Instructor Assignment Comments.
  8. Contact the instructor via the Inbox.

Important feedback

I belong in this class because...

  1. My degree program requires it.
  2. I want to improve my computing skills for future courses and employment opportunities.
  3. I am contemplating a Computer Science major or minor and want to try it out!